Why AVE Matters for Your Brand's Media Mentions

31 Jul 2024

Industry Insights
Certain clips are taken from high-profile publications, while others may come from less popular media outlets. Every clip, however, can be assigned monetary value that gives you more insight into its significance. 

Quantifying Your Media Coverage
AVE provides a monetary value for the media coverage your brand receives, helping you to quantify the exposure in a way that is easy to understand and compare.

Measuring ROI
By converting media mentions into an advertising value equivalent, you can measure the return on investment (ROI) of your PR efforts. This helps to justify PR budgets and resources while also informing future strategies.

Campaign Evaluation
AVE helps in evaluating the effectiveness of different PR strategies and campaigns. You can see what tactics generate the most valuable coverage and adjust your strategies accordingly. 

While this metric alone won't give you a holistic view of your performance in terms of media and publicity, it is another angle from which to analyse your strengths and weaknesses.

If you would like to sign up for media monitoring, click here!

Want more insight? Read our blog, How Important Is the Clip Count?

*Image courtesy of Canva