Newsclip gets into the Movember movement

9 Nov 2016

Press Release
This November, South African-based media monitoring company, Newsclip, has pledged its support to the global ‘mo-movement’ that is Movember.

Originally founded in Australia before spreading across the world, Movember is an annual event that encourages men to start the month off clean shaven and ‘grow a mo’ to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.

Newsclip has made a donation for each person within the company who has agreed to take part and grow a moustache.

The head office, based in Johannesburg, will donate all proceeds from their daily popcorn sales to the cause, while weekly bake sales across all regional branches as well as raffles and second-hand book sales will raise additional funds.

At the end of November, there will be a prize-giving ceremony where the best mo growers will be awarded.

Companies and organisations are encouraged to sign up to the website where the public can contribute and make donations. If you’d like to contribute to Newsclip’s pledge, click here.

For more information, visit Alternatively, connect with them on Facebook or on Twitter.