Media monitoring: What’s the point?

10 Mar 2023

Industry Insights
So by now, you've heard of media monitoring; and if not, in simple terms it's exactly what the name states. It is the process of monitoring your presence on all forms of media.

And you are probably thinking that it's super cool but honestly, what is the point?

Well the point is when we monitor your media, we monitor it across all mediums — from print to broadcast, to websites and social media pages.

If your name was mentioned, we will know it and so will you! So, what does that mean for you?

You are able to see who mentioned you and what was said about you. And with our keyword-matching system, it automatically tracks your mentions or requested topics within the media, collates the data and then delivers it straight to you.

Now that you know what the point is of media monitoring, check out Five industries that cannot go without media monitoring.

*Image courtesy of Canva