How Media Monitoring Enhances Market Research

3 Oct 2024

Industry Insights
Brands often call on media monitoring after the fact. Once a campaign is launched, we are often desperate for some monitoring and feedback. But what about the before? Have you ever thought of using media monitoring to gather market research? 

Nobody doubts the abilities of media monitoring. The benefits for PRs and marketers are endless, but more often than not, we don't use it to its full potential during the planning stage. 

Here are some of the ways in which media monitoring can assist in market research: 

Understand Consumer Sentiment 

Consumer sentiment will give you an idea of how your audience feels about certain topics and aspects of your brand. That way, you can start your planning by knowing what to focus on and what speaks to your audience. 

Competitor Benchmarking

By tracking competitor performance across media channels, you can identify who the top players are and study their strategies. 

Knowing how your competitors are perceived in the media helps you understand their market positioning and how they differentiate themselves.

Get all the information you need for your market research from Newsclip

Looking for more ways media monitoring can help your brand? Check out our guide to Media Monitoring and SEO

*Image courtesy of Canva